Privacy Policy

ADE Insights Oy Privacy Statement for Agile Data Engine

We care about your privacy and right to data protection. The following includes information on how ADE Insights Oy and/or its affiliates ("ADE Oy" or "we") and our authorized partners collect, use and process personal data related to the users of Agile Data Engine (ADE) and members of the ADE Community. Such users can be our customer’s personnel and other persons authorised by them as users of ADE. ADE Community members are users and other individuals with an interest in ADE and who have signed-in to the ADE Community. The individual situations in which personal data is being processed may vary, but this Privacy Statement aims to give a general understanding of processing of your personal data. Below we also describe the rights you have in relation to the processing of your personal data.

This Statement does not apply to the Customer Data (as defined in the Agile Data Engine General Terms).

Personal data means any information that can be used to identify a person directly or indirectly either provided by you and/or obtained through other means. We process your personal data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable data protection laws and regulations.

We may update this Privacy Statement from time to time to reflect changes in our operations and/or applicable law. We recommend that you revisit this site from time to time to see the latest version.


Collection of personal data

We need to collect and process, among other information, certain personal data related to you in order to carry out and maintain our business operations, provide services to you or communicate with you. ADE Oy may receive personal data from you when you try, purchase, use, or subscribe to ADE or obtain related support or professional services. We may also collect personal data when you join and participate in the ADE Community. Personal data is mainly collected directly from you but may also be aggregated through other co-operation ADE Oy has with you.
We may also collect personal data from companies and other legal entities you represent. We may collect personal data also from other reliable public sources or third parties.


Collected personal data and how it is used

ADE Oy and our authorized partners may process your personal data e.g. name, title, company, email address, physical address, phone number, username, invoicing information or other similar relevant information for the following:

  • Providing and improving products and services to you
  • Communicating with you and providing you with requested information or facilitating meetings or other events
  • Operating and managing our business operations including collecting personal data as part of surveys and research, data analytics, marketing research or other purposes
  • Offering and managing the ADE Community
  • Event organizing
  • Managing our contractual or other relationship with you
  • Maintaining your user account
  • Enhancing security
  • Monitoring use of our systems
  • Marketing our products and services, including directly contacting you and sending you direct marketing communications
  • Complying with legal requirements
  • Reviewing of sanctions lists and other official lists for compliance purposes

Processing of your personal data may be based on a contractual relationship, legal obligation, your consent, or our legitimate interest to enable us to conduct and maintain our business operations effectively.


Data protection and retention

Personal data is kept technically and organisationally protected. The level of security is audited at recurring intervals by carrying out either an external or internal audit.

Access to personal data is restricted on a need-to-know basis to individuals (ADE Oy employees and authorized partners) who need to access the data in order to fulfill the tasks and duties related to their role within and with ADE Oy.

ADE Oy stores personal data for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which the information was collected, within the limits of the applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Predominantly, personal data shall be deleted from the customer and partner registers 10 years after the relationship between ADE Oy and our Customer has ended. If the personal data is subject to longer statutory retention requirements, we comply with those requirements.


Data sharing and international transfers

Personal data can be shared within Solita Group regardless of the affiliates’ location and with ADE Oy’s subcontractors or partners for the purposes mentioned above.

We may use third-party service providers to manage customer databases and the ADE Community.

Personal data from the customer databases may be disclosed to our auditors, insurance companies and different governmental authorities/agencies (or similar) for the purposes of their regulatory tasks.

Third parties are only allowed to process your personal data to the extent necessary for them to provide the service we have requested from them. When data processing activities are outsourced to carefully selected third party service providers they operate as data processors on behalf of ADE Oy under a specific data processing agreement and in compliance with ADE Oy’s instructions. In certain cases, third parties may also be independent controllers for your personal data. With respect to the ADE Community, for example, third-party privacy policies may apply to the processing of your personal data subject to your consent. Regarding event organizing, partners may also be separate data controllers.

We may also transfer your personal data to countries outside the European Union and the European Economic Area. When personal data is transferred outside the EU or the EEA, ADE Oy uses appropriate safeguards including the standard contractual clauses provided by the EU Commission.


Access to personal data and other rights

You have a right to inspect, correct and request erasure of your personal data. You may also request to restrict and object to the processing of your personal data if it could compromise your rights to privacy. All related requests must be made in writing to ADE Oy. Contact details are available below.  

You may be requested to verify your identity, specify your request, and may be asked for more information about your request.

We will respond as soon as possible. If ADE Oy for some reason disagrees with your request, we will state our reasons for doing so. If you feel that your personal data has not been processed in a lawful manner, you may bring the matter to the attention of the relevant data protection authority.


Contact information


If you have questions about this Privacy Statement or ADE Oy as a data controller, please email to


Other information

Data controller:
ADE Insights Oy
Eteläesplanadi 8
00130 Helsinki


Latest version

December 2023